DIY Geometric necklace

I played around with polymer clay today again. I am a fan of Fimo, but when I bought it for the first time I accidentally bought the 'effect' clay instead of the usual, soft kind. I was kind of disappointed and found it to be very ugly, but now I discovered what I really find it suitable for. The texture can make something look like it's a natural material, which is perfect for these geometric beads which should present some kind of stone.

I love the feeling of opening a new pack of Fimo.
Take a piece of Fimo and knead it to a ball, as big as you choose yourself.

Start cutting off pieces from the edges until it starts to look like a geometrical shape. You can recycle the leftovers to use in another ball or just knead them onto the rest of your Fimo.

I used a toothpick to create a hole through the bead so that I could hang it on a necklace.

Do the same for a few other colours that match together nicely. Make an amount to your likeness, bake in the oven, and tadaa! Please show me your results if you made one.


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Hi! I'm Caroline from Belgium and this is my playground. I am a graphic designer with an irresistible urge to collect and make beautiful things. I blog about art, DIY, beauty and the general life of a twenty-something. You'll find a tutorial here and there too. Also, I am a freelancer and always looking for new clients, so check my portfolio or contact me!